Printing to the console is a fundamental task for many programming activities, such as debugging, logging, and simple user interactions. In Kotlin, various methods can be used to output text to the console. This guide explains multiple ways to print to the console in Kotlin, offering several code examples and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


Using println

One of the simplest and most commonly used methods to print to the console in Kotlin is by using the println function. This function prints the provided message followed by a newline character.

Sample Code

fun main() {
    println("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!


  • Simplicity: Easy to use and understand.
  • Automatic newlines: Automatically appends a newline character.


  • Limited formatting: Not suitable for complex output formatting.

Using print

The print function in Kotlin is similar to println, but it does not append a newline character at the end of the message. This can be useful when you want to print multiple messages on the same line.

Sample Code

fun main() {
    print("Hello, ")


Hello, World!


  • Control over newlines: Useful when you need precise control over where newlines appear.


  • Manual newline management: Requires manual handling of newline characters when necessary.

Using String Templates

Kotlin allows for string interpolation using string templates, which can be especially useful for including variable values within strings printed to the console.

Sample Code

fun main() {
    val name = "World"
    println("Hello, $name!")


Hello, World!


  • Readability: Makes it easier to read and write strings that include variable values.
  • Efficiency: Eliminates the need for concatenation operators.


  • Complex expressions: Including complex expressions within templates can reduce readability.

Using String.format

For more complex string formatting requirements, Kotlin supports the String.format method, similar to Java. This method uses format specifiers to control how variables are formatted into the string.

Sample Code

fun main() {
    val number = 42
    val text = "The answer is %d"
    println(String.format(text, number))


The answer is 42


  • Complex formatting: Supports more complex and flexible formatting options.
  • Compatibility: Familiar to Java developers.


  • Verbosity: Can be more verbose and harder to read than simple string templates.

Using Logger

In a more advanced and production-oriented setup, using a logging framework is a preferable approach. Kotlin can leverage several logging libraries like Log4j, SLF4J, or Kotlin Logging.

Sample Code (Using Kotlin Logging)

import mu.KotlinLogging

private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}

fun main() { { "Hello, World!" }


[main] INFO  - Hello, World!


  • Configurability: Offers configurable logging levels and outputs.
  • Production-ready: Suitable for production applications where logging levels and performance are critical.


  • Dependency: Requires additional dependencies and setup.

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By understanding these basic and advanced methods to print to the console in Kotlin, you can choose the most appropriate approach based on your specific needs and contexts. Whether for simple debugging or comprehensive logging, Kotlin provides versatile means to handle console output effectively.