Kotlin – DisposableBean vs PreDestroy – What Are the Differences?


When developing Spring-based applications, managing bean lifecycle events is crucial. Two common mechanisms for bean destruction callbacks in Spring are DisposableBean and @PreDestroy. Both serve the purpose of cleanup, but they have distinct usages and behaviors. Understanding the differences between these two approaches helps developers choose the right method for their needs, ensuring optimal resource management and application stability.


DisposableBean Interface


The DisposableBean interface is part of the Spring Framework, implemented by beans that need to release resources upon destruction. The interface has a single method, destroy(), which is called by the container during the bean destruction phase.

Code Example

import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class ExampleDisposableBean : DisposableBean {
    override fun destroy() {
        println("Cleaning up resources in ExampleDisposableBean")


Upon application shutdown, the output will be:

Cleaning up resources in ExampleDisposableBean


  • Explicit Cleanup: Provides a clear method (destroy()) for cleanup, making the code easy to understand.
  • Strong Typing: As it's an interface, it ensures that the implementer provides the destroy() method.


  • Tight Coupling: Your beans become tightly coupled with the Spring framework, impacting reusability.
  • Inheritance Overhead: It requires your class to implement the DisposableBean interface, which might not be desirable in all cases.

@PreDestroy Annotation


The @PreDestroy annotation is part of the Java standard JSR-250 and can be used to mark a method as the cleanup method, which is invoked before the bean is destroyed.

Code Example

import javax.annotation.PreDestroy
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class ExamplePreDestroy {
    fun cleanup() {
        println("Cleaning up resources in ExamplePreDestroy")


Upon application shutdown, the output will be:

Cleaning up resources in ExamplePreDestroy


  • Loose Coupling: It uses a standard Java annotation, reducing tight coupling with the Spring framework.
  • Flexibility: Does not require your class to implement an interface, making it easier to apply to any method.


  • Less Explicit: Since any method can be annotated, it can be less obvious which method is intended for cleanup.
  • Annotation Dependency: Relies on the JSR-250 annotations being present, which may not be available in all environments or might require additional dependencies.


Conceptual Differences

  1. Implementation:

    • DisposableBean requires the class to implement the interface and the method destroy().
    • @PreDestroy allows any method to be annotated without implementing an interface, providing greater flexibility.
  2. Coupling:

    • DisposableBean creates tighter coupling with Spring.
    • @PreDestroy leverages standard annotations, promoting loose coupling.
  3. Usage:

  • Use DisposableBean if you prefer interface-based cleanup methods and don't mind coupling with Spring.
  • Use @PreDestroy for a more flexible and loosely coupled approach.

Example with Both

Although using both in a single class is unusual and unnecessary, here’s an example showing the implementation of both DisposableBean and @PreDestroy in one class:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class ExampleBoth : DisposableBean {

    fun preDestroyCleanup() {
        println("Cleaning up resources with @PreDestroy in ExampleBoth")

    override fun destroy() {
        println("Cleaning up resources with DisposableBean in ExampleBoth")


Upon application shutdown, the output will be:

Cleaning up resources with @PreDestroy in ExampleBoth
Cleaning up resources with DisposableBean in ExampleBoth

This example demonstrates that @PreDestroy method is called first followed by the destroy() method of the DisposableBean.

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