Spring Boot: How to Read a File from Resources


Reading a file from the resources folder in a Spring Boot application is a common requirement, especially for loading configurations, test files, or other static resources at runtime. Spring Boot provides several mechanisms to achieve this, making the process both efficient and straightforward. Understanding these methods will help you leverage Spring’s rich resource support effectively.


Using ResourceLoader to Read Files

ResourceLoader is a fundamental interface provided by Spring for loading resources. You can autowire ResourceLoader into your bean and use it to read files from the resources directory.

Sample Code in Kotlin

import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct

class ResourceService(private val resourceLoader: ResourceLoader) {

    fun readFileFromResources() {
        val resource = resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:sample.txt")
        val fileContent = resource.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }


Assuming sample.txt contains the text “Hello, world!”, the output will be:

Hello, world!


  • Flexibility: Can load resources from various locations (e.g., classpath, file system).
  • Easy to Integrate: Works seamlessly with Spring’s dependency injection.


  • Additional Dependency: Requires injecting ResourceLoader.
  • Performance: Might have a slight overhead due to the abstraction layer.

Using Resource to Read Files Directly

Spring provides the Resource interface, which is a powerful abstraction for working with different types of resources. This approach eliminates the need for ResourceLoader.

Sample Code in Kotlin

import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct

class ResourceService {

    fun readFileFromResources() {
        val resource = ClassPathResource("sample.txt")
        val fileContent = resource.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }


For sample.txt containing “Hello, world!”, the output will be:

Hello, world!


  • Simplicity: Less code by not requiring an additional loader.
  • Direct Access: Useful for straightforward resource access needs.


  • Classpath Dependency: Only works well for classpath resources. For other resource types, additional handling might be needed.

Using Spring’s @Value Annotation

With the @Value annotation, you can inject the content of a resource file directly into your beans. This is particularly useful for configurations and small-sized resource content.

Sample Code in Kotlin

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct

class ResourceService {

    private lateinit var resource: org.springframework.core.io.Resource

    fun readFileFromResources() {
        val fileContent = resource.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }


For sample.txt with “Hello, world!”, the output will be:

Hello, world!


  • Ease of Use: Simplifies code by using Spring annotations.
  • Integration: Perfect for injecting property values or small resource contents directly.


  • Limited Use Case: Best suited for small-sized files; large files might cause performance issues.
  • Readability: Annotation-based configuration could reduce readability for complex resource handling logic.

Using Spring’s Environment Interface

Sometimes, you might need to read property files or other configurations from the resources folder dynamically. Spring’s Environment interface provides a convenient way for such tasks.

Sample Code in Kotlin

import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct

class ResourceService(private val environment: Environment) {

    fun readProperties() {
        val value = environment.getProperty("my.property")


If application.properties contains my.property=Hello, world!, the output will be:

Hello, world!


  • Dynamic Configuration: Great for loading properties dynamically.
  • Integration: Works well with Spring’s environment abstraction.


  • Complexity: May be overkill for simple file reads.
  • Dependency: Requires defining properties in a specific format.

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