Spring: How to Get Environment Variable

In Spring applications, **retrieving environment variables** is a common task, especially when working with different environments for development, testing, and production. Environment variables help in externalizing configuration, ensuring that you do not need to modify your codebase whenever you change the environment. This document highlights different ways to retrieve environment variables in a Spring Boot application.


Using `Environment` Object

**Description**: Spring provides a flexible `Environment` abstraction via the `org.springframework.core.env.Environment` interface, which allows you to retrieve environment variables that are defined within various sources such as Java system properties, OS environment variables, and more.

**Sample Code (Kotlin)**:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class EnvironmentExample(@Autowired private val env: Environment) {
    fun getEnvVariable(): String? {
        return env.getProperty("MY_ENV_VARIABLE")

If the environment variable MY_ENV_VARIABLE is set to “HelloWorld” in the system, the getEnvVariable function will return “HelloWorld”.


  • Flexibility: Supports hierarchical search of properties across multiple sources like system properties, environment variables, property files, etc.
  • Ease of Integration: Simple and modern approach for accessing properties.


  • Requires a Spring ApplicationContext for dependency injection.
  • If the requested property is not found, returns null by default.

Using @Value Annotation

Description: The @Value annotation is used to inject values from property sources directly into fields, methods, or method parameters.

Sample Code (Kotlin):

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class ValueAnnotationExample {
    private lateinit var myEnvVariable: String

    fun getEnvVariable(): String {
        return myEnvVariable

Just like the previous example, if MY_ENV_VARIABLE is set to “HelloWorld”, calling getEnvVariable will return “HelloWorld”.


  • Simplicity: Easy to use and directly injects values.
  • Declarative: Makes it easy to declare dependencies on environment variables within the class.


  • Static Nature: The value is injected at the time of bean creation and cannot easily adapt to changes at runtime.
  • Potential for Errors: Misconfigured properties can lead to application startup failures if not handled properly.

Using @ConfigurationProperties Annotation

Description: This approach is beneficial when you have a group of related properties. The @ConfigurationProperties annotation binds all properties from a specific namespace into a dedicated configuration class.

Sample Code (Kotlin):

import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class DatabaseProperties {
    lateinit var url: String
    lateinit var username: String
    lateinit var password: String

// Usage example
class DatabaseService(private val dbProps: DatabaseProperties) {
    fun getDatabaseUrl(): String {
        return dbProps.url

Sample application.properties:


Calling getDatabaseUrl will return “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb” based on the application.properties file.


  • Organization: Groups related properties into strongly typed objects.
  • Validation: Supports JSR-303 bean validation.


  • Setup Complexity: Requires additional setup to define property classes and configuration.

Similar Topics

  1. How to externalize configuration in Spring Boot?
  2. How to use @Value annotation for property injection in Spring?
  3. How to set default property values in Spring Boot?
  4. How to use YAML configuration files in Spring Boot?
  5. How to bind hierarchical properties in Spring Boot using @ConfigurationProperties?
  6. How to manage environment-specific configurations in Spring Boot?
  7. How to use Spring Profiles for different environments?
  8. How to inject system properties in Spring Boot?
  9. How to use Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperties for complex objects?
  10. Best practices for secure property management in Spring Boot.
  11. How to enable or disable properties conditionally in Spring Boot?
  12. How to access environment variables in Spring Boot tests?
  13. How to use EnvironmentPostProcessor for custom environment processing in Spring Boot?
  14. How to retrieve properties file values dynamically in Spring Boot?
  15. How to use profile-specific configuration files in Spring Boot?

For more detailed information, refer to the provided references: 【4:9†source】【4:10†source】【4:14†source】【4:19†source】.